Tuesday 9 January 2018

How To Plant Spinach Palak From Seed at Home

January 09, 2018

Spinach Palak

How To Grow Spinach Palak From Seeds Step By Step.

Planting is better yielded by planting in the last week of August or in the first week of November, which can be found in more quantity of winter.This leafy crop requires powdered soils which can be drained very quickly and need to provide direct sunlight and cold nights and plenty of water. Dry dung powder can be used while preparing the soil, the seed of Spinach (Palak) should be kept wet for 48 hours, soil 1 / 8-1 / 4 "and sowing the seeds by digging deep, need to spray the water with spreading the soil. Germination begins within 5 days.

1.Suitable space outdoor. 

2.Scientific Name: - Palak / Palang.

3.Common Name: -Spinach (Palak).

4.Botanical Name: - Spinacia oleracea.

5.Soil Type: - Loamy.

6. Types of Plants: – Vegetable.

A>Prepare the soil with an adult fertilizer or dry cow's powder before one week of planting and use regular water so that the soil is full of moisture.

B>This seedling plants are difficult to move elsewhere, so it is better to grow at the same place.

C>It takes 6 weeks to complete the harvest from seed sowing, full sunlight and cool weather are very important.

D>The soil should not be warmer than 6 to 80ºF for germination.

Spinach Palak

 1.If the leafy vegetables grow very slowly, apply fertilizers (dung manure or urea) or use as the supplement when your soil pH is insufficient. Use when the plant reaches ⅓ growth.

2.When the seedling plants are 2 inches long, then they have 3 in the 4-inch spacing.

3.There is no need for extra distances because its roots are not very deep so its roots can be easily damaged.

4.Keep the moisture filled with soil straw and leaves around the tree roots.

5.Keep moisture with water in the place of farming every day.

6.This leaflet can tolerate lots of cold, can survive temperatures below 15ºF.

How to Cultivation of Crops.

Spinach Palak

This plant is good on low lying soil, the depth of the soil is not very much needed, there are many gardeners who make the soil run 5 and make it like a 7-inches-grown bed. If the quantity of acids (below 6.5 pH) is on the soil in your garden, do not forget to raise the 7.1. pH by soil based on soil test. Before placing the seeds to deal with the overwhelming soil,1 pound of organic fertilizer per 50 square feet of soil Include.

Ensure that if these leafy leaves are not sufficiently high, then the leaves should be used once every two weeks for 2 tablespoons of ammonium sulfate per 1-feet  of a row in order to produce and maintain the amount of nitrogen in the soil. can go. Finally, when the leaves become large some leaves can be taken to allow small leaves to grow. Only the leaves can be used as edible.

Use Fertilizer. 

When planting this seed, fertilizer is not needed in the soil. If you have any organic fertilizer during sowing do not add, but the emulsion of fish, compost extract, compound tea, This fertilizer will help to increase the greens.

Protect From Insects and Diseases.

Spraying water can be sprayed with high pressure to
get rid of bacillus in this Plant Spinach (Palak).
Neem extract can be sprayed with water, pepper powders can be outspread.


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